Usefully Useless is a gloriously diverse volume dedicated to the most engrossing trivia in the world.
Guaranteed to excite the curiosity and amuse, its pages are filled with the sort of remarkable information you would never learn, but will be overjoyed to discover. Each fact is irresistibly fun and fascinating – the essence of anecdote and dinner-party conversation that is essential in the adult world – and, above all, usefully useless.
Guaranteed to improve your mind, Usefully Useless contains a wealth of miscellany on a vast range of topics, including Literature, Geography, Food, Science, the Natural World, Sport and Politics – from the export of frogs’ legs to the longest Monopoly game completed in the bath. Usefully Useless provides answers to such eternal questions as:
What was Margaret Thatcher’s favourite sitcom?
Which British league football team’s name has no letters that one could colour in with a pen?
How many calories do you consume when you lick a stamp?
What was the original colour of Coca-Cola?
Which key do toilets flush in?
Find out these answers and many, many more in Usefully Useless, the essential guide to the facts you never thought you’d need to know.