Mrs Gereth, widowed chatelaine of Poynton, is fighting to keep her house with its priceless objets d’art from her son Owen and his lovely, utterly philistine fiancĂ©e. When she discovers that her young friend and sympathizer Fleda Vetch is secretly in love with Owen, she thrusts her into the battle-line.
The power struggle that ensues between the three women leaves Owen vacillating. What is at stake is not the mere possession of tables and chairs; it is, for Fleda, a conflict between aesthetic ideals, ethical imperatives, and her innermost feelings, in which she risks betraying, and being betrayed by, all that she holds most dear.

The Spoils of Poynton
Authors | |
Language | |
Copyright | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9780192669575 |
Number Of Pages | 0 |
File Size | 1.85 mb |
Format | EPUB |
Published | 11-09-2008 |