It’s all too common to hear new mums talk about ‘baby brain’ and extreme fatigue. But what if it wasn’t the physical toll of giving birth, breastfeeding or chasing a toddler that was sapping your strength? What it if was something deeper?
Dr. Oscar Serallach has spent his medical career witnessing women fail hormonally, nutritionally and emotionally to get back on their feet after having a baby. The true cause? A syndrome he calls postnatal depletion.
THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE is the first book to name the syndrome and to offer a practical programme to help mothers replenish their bodies after having a baby. The book includes a comprehensive guide to the nutrients women need to enhance organ function and balance hormones, along with advice on how to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine and get necessary rest, despite the demands of motherhood. Filled with prescriptive takeaways and many success stories, THE POSTNATAL DEPLETION CURE will help mothers be the best they can be physically and emotionally.