Nobody should be more concerned about your financial future than you are, so why not learn how to look after it yourself? Many people steer away from investing on the financial markets because they assume that it is too difficult, or too risky, and that one needs to be a financial genius to make a success of it. But you don’t have to know everything to make money in the financial markets. Any ordinary person, whether young or old, can learn how to invest their own money in the markets.
While there are many different types of investment, the financial markets have proven to be one of the best ways to generate income and increase wealth. If your dream is to learn how to earn income through short-term trading, this book will show you an extremely effective trading strategy, called the Fractal Strategy. And if your dream is to learn how to benefit from the markets over the long term, it will help you build a successful investment portfolio in preparation for when you want to retire one day.
Success in trading and investing, much like any business success, does not necessarily depend on a person’s technical and fundamental knowledge about the markets – it is mostly about what is going on inside their head. This book will teach the reader how important it is to develop the right mindset to be successful in trading and investing and allow them to participate in an exercise that will help them develop the right mindset for lasting financial success.
![The Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Exchange](
The Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Exchange
Authors | |
Language | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9781776096862 |
Number Of Pages | 224 |
File Size | 9.50 mb |
Format | EPUB |
Edition | 1 |
Published | 01-02-2023 |