The concept of theology as a bridge between text and praxis has not been specifically researched or rigorously substantiated. Kuruvilla seeks to do both, utilizing as entrées language philosophy, literary criticism, and a thorough understanding of “ordinary” language. Drawing from a variety of hermeneutical resources, he establishes “pericopal theology” as the intermediary between text and praxis. How this theology is discerned from the text and how application may be determined therefrom form the crux of this book. This novel approach lends validity to the movement from text to praxis and promises to be useful for any approach to the biblical text intended to culminate in application. Kuruvilla’s approach provides a substantial technical basis for such an operation.
Thus the preacher must be a “theologian-homiletician.” It is the working out of this nomenclature, especially the “theologian” half of the appellation, that is the essence of this work, uniting as it does in one portfolio the responsibility of negotiating the demands of both hermeneutics and homiletics.