First they debunked the myth that snoring is hard to kick and saved thousands from noisy, sleepless nights. Now, Dr Mike Dilkes and Alex Adams are back- this time, with reliable, no-nonsense advice to STOP WRINKLES, THE EASY WAY.
Our ageing population is investing more time and money than ever before in the pursuit of health, happiness and longevity. Not only is 60 the new 40, but a recent study by one of the UK’s largest gyms revealed that increasing numbers of forty-something Brits are actually fitter than the average twenty-somethings of our nation! But when it comes to looking younger, even the slacking youngsters feel the pressure to preserve their youth, with the latest research suggesting that British women start worrying about wrinkles at the ripe (young) age of 24, and unprecedented numbers of women in their 30s are going ‘under the knife’ to thwart unwelcome crinkles, crows feet and laughter lines.
STOP WRINKLES proves that expensive gym memberships and invasive surgery are NOT the only way to start loving a more youthful reflection, fast! Packed with practical information and clear, safe advice from a leading medical expert, this is a must-read for anyone looking to grow old gracefully but gradually.