Longbeard, a loathed and prickly pirate, and his cranky crew have been stirring up trouble in the English Channel. Luckily, Sir Gadabout is on a mission to save sailors from the scurvy scoundrels.
But Sir Gadabout’s never sailed a ship before and the pirates don’t have much love for landlubbers . . .
A shiver-yer-timbers sea story exploding with cannonballs and cutlasses and starring Camelot’s crassest knight!
![Sir Gadabout Goes Overboard](https://img2.snapplify.com/img/hachetteukdistrib/9781444009330.jpg)
Sir Gadabout Goes Overboard
Authors | |
Language | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9781444009330 |
Number Of Pages | 96 |
File Size | 2.85 mb |
Format | EPUB |
Published | 11-01-2012 |