Research-led Teacher Education ePDF


Teacher education at universities is defined by the need for robust knowledge production through research on teacher education and schooling, and the requirements for broadening teacher development in a context of ongoing inequality in South Africa. The authors address questions and criticisms about whether university-based teacher development, set within institutions with the imperative to engage with research, can actually make a difference in the lives of teachers and learners in classrooms.

The key aim of Research-led Teacher Education is to provide research-based exemplars of how cutting-edge knowledge produced through rigorous research can be linked to improve practice in schooling and teacher education. The exemplars provided are of research studies driven by problems and complexities of practice. The exemplars show how to generate knowledge about practice.

This book should:

  • Be of interest to those seeking to take practical action for qualitative improvements in schools and university teacher education across a range of disciplines;
  • Provide examples of problem-driven research that teachers in schools can use to look critically at their own practice; and
  • Serve as a casebook of examples that demonstrate a research-based focus on improving teaching and learning for university lecturers and students in teacher education programmes.

Throughout the book, a team of researchers from a range of South African and international universities, led by Ruksana Osman and Hamsa Venkat from the Wits School of Education, critically explore aspects of their long experience of research and teaching within schools and teacher education.

This eBook is in ePDF format, which enables youto:

  • View the entire book offline on desktop ortablet;
  • Search for and highlight text;and
  • Add and edit personal notes directly in youreBook.






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2.59 mb





