Pharmacology for Nurses 4/E Interactive ePUB


One of the most important functions that nurses have is the handling and administration of all drug schedules for patients under their care. Another vital function is the monitoring of their patients’ responses to these drug schedules. Both functions are crucial in making sure that patients under their care benefit optimally from the drug therapy they receive.

To ensure that nurses are fully competent to carry out these critical functions of drug handling, administration and evaluation, the content of this 4th edition of Pharmacology for Nurses has been updated to include the most recent developments in drug therapy. For example, the chapter on administration of drugs to patients has been expanded. Similarly, the section on therapeutic uses of alpha agonists now includes subsections on cardiac arrest, as well as on hypotension and shock.

The design of this 4th edition of Pharmacology for Nurses has also been updated to incorporate recent innovations in layout and in digital technology. These include:

  • Additional supportive illustrations;
  • Key information boxes that summarise critical information;
  • Pop-up glossary definitions that provide immediate access to the meaning of key terms;
  • QR codes that provide access to additional online information; and
  • Study-on-the-Go, a smart mobile integration between text and online content.

About the authors
Prof Anton Dreyer retired after many years of lecturing Pharmacology to pharmacy students. He remains actively involved in the subject.

Ms Razia Kharwa has many years experience in teaching Pharmacology. She is the head of Basic Medical Sciences and senior lecturer at the Durban University of Technology.

Ms Shirra Moch is an experienced Pharmacology lecturer at the University of Witwatersrand. She is the current vice-chair of the IUPHAR-Ed, the education section of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology.

Ms Yasmeen Thandar, at the Durban University of Technology, teaches Pharmacology to nursing and other allied medical students with a passion that makes the subject accessible and easy to understand.

This eBook is a digital version of the printed book. Benefits of the interactive ePUB format​ include:

  • The ability to view on a desktop computer, notebook or tablet;
  • As students adjust fonts, rotate and flip pages, content reflows to fit the device’s screen giving the user a more flexible experience;
  • Students can take notes, highlight and bookmark, and access video and audio for visual learning;
  • The interactive e-learning modules in the interactive ePUB help students apply the theory and reflect on what they have learned; and
  • The interactive infographics summarise the content for

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Number Of Pages


File Size

14.28 mb





