Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): America 1840-1895: Expansion and Consolidation eBook



This eBook has been selected for AQA’s official approval process for this specification.

America 1840-1895: Consolidation and Expansion is part of the popular Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1) series. This successful series is trusted by teachers to deliver a reliable route through the specification that works in the classroom and helps students understand exactly what is required to succeed in their AQA exams.

This eBook is written by Nicole Ridley, a practising teacher with a specialist interest in the American West, and edited by Aaron Wilkes, head of history, PGCE History lead and best-selling author. Developed as part of our commitment to the inclusive presentation of diverse histories, this textbook helps enable students to recognise and challenge outdated narratives of ‘how the West was won’ by engaging with a wider range of accessible perspectives of this challenging, contested, rich and gripping period of history.

Carefully selected interpretations give students the opportunity to compare and evaluate in context. Practice Questions, Study Tips and How to… pages help students prepare for the AQA exam questions, with step-by-step explanations of how to put essential history skills into practice.

A print Teacher Handbook is available covering all 16 options, offering practical support: 9780198370185, and a Revision Guide for this topic is available from January 2024: 9781382044059.

Also available as a print textbook: 9781382044073.







File Size

79.44 mb



