

From the author of The Crystal Code, comes Luna – the positive catalyst for change that we all need.

Luna is your essential guide to harnessing the moon’s healing potential and achieving a happier, more fulfilling life. Tamara Driessen is guaranteed to help you to realise your potential, turn challenges into transformative opportunities and become more connected with yourself. Luna empowers by grounding you in the moment, inspiring you to celebrate the positives in your life and helping you find a clear sense of purpose.

Luna nourishes you with moon rituals for every occasion, from crystals to tarot and meditation, that you can use during the moon’s cycles. Tamara guides you through New Moon Rituals to inspire new beginnings and positive life change, Waxing Moon Rituals to help you take action and achieve personal goals, Waning Moon Rituals to help you shed self-limiting beliefs, and Full Moon Rituals to promote abundance and help you thrive in life.

By aligning yourself with the lunar phases and developing a deeper connection with the moon, you’ll gain balance and clarity, master the art of self-care and develop a true sense of what you want. Set your intentions with Luna, awaken your intuition and discover the potential that comes with living by the moon’s mystic cycles.

What can you do today to change your life? Let Tamara Driessen show you.






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