‘I finally decided I had to get out of London after my mother-in-law walked in on me wanking.’
It was four days after Jane’s memorial service, and Debbie had stayed on in the house because she wanted to be near her daughter’s things a while longer… She rushed back out with a loud cry; I followed shortly after (once I’d pulled up my tracksuit bottoms) and found her in her room where all I could think to say was to make clear that I had been looking solely at pictures of Jane. Which was true.’Each of the stories in Lost Men encounters its characters at moments when they are floundering, some in the wake of crisis, others on the verge of major discovery. Each one asks in a different situation – what do people find when they are utterly lost?
Clever, dark, absurd and poignant, and always irreverently funny, Chakraborti is an original storyteller with a quietly assured voice.‘With his deceptively simple language, Chakraborti paints vivid, layered pictures. The lightness of his touch, the humour that pops up just as it is wont to at life’s most funereal moments, masks his protagonists’ sadness.’ – The Hindu