In Let’s re-Great Britain, Al Murray’s Pub Landlord sets out his party’s vision for the country, and explains how politics actually works.
Citizens of Hope & Glory! It’s time to bring common sense to the House of Commons.
Parliament is a nest of slippery, poisonous vipers and only a bonkers, mental idiot would try to make sense of it. Yet in Let’s re-Great Britain, Al Murray, the Pub Landlord, presents his guide to British politics and a vision for a Greater Britain.
In it you’ll learn and appreciate The Guv’s views and policies on:
– The jobless: Fix youth unemployment with a pyramid scheme (literally, build some pyramids)
– Economics: Cut the deficit by borrowing more, growing a beard and leaving the country
– Criminal Justice: Bring back hanging if only for the sake of the rope industry
– Immigration: Electrify the English Channel
A plain, common-sense vision of an impossibly complicated (and, frankly, dull) subject, this will almost certainly be one day hailed as the new founding text of the nation – a Magna Carta 2.0 from the Landlord of Hope and Glory.