Find your motivation, change your life.
Let’s Do This! is the motivation playbook for any type of personal change, from losing 10lbs to stepping up in your career to running a half-marathon. The difference between giving up and succeeding comes down to your motivation to take control of your life.
Forget worrying about your willpower (which drains your energy and zaps your confidence) and join Andy Ramage’s 28-day Motivation Masterclass to enjoy totally new levels of success. Tap into the ‘Six Streams of Positivity’ that will keep you on the straight and narrow, refine your resolution and master your mornings through simple daily rituals. The key to any successful behaviour change is the motivation to keep going once you’ve started. In this unapologetically positive book, Andy Ramage, who transformed his own life step by step, explains the theory and the practice of motivation so that you can make any change in your life, and make it last.