‘They misunderestimated me’ George W. Bush
Einstein said only two things are infinite – the universe and human stupidity. So in deference to the dumbing down of our culture, comes Dim Wit – a collection of the most jaw-droppingly stupid things ever said. The cast includes every famous foot-in-mouther from George W Bush to Prince Philip, Paris Hilton to Jade Goody, not to mention hundreds of unsung idiots plucked from villages the world over.
The result is a confederacy of dunces more pro-fun than profound – a clever witticism may coax an inward smile but it takes a really stupid remark to deliver a belly laugh. So pick up Dim Wit and prepare to embrace your inner moron – it may be the smartest thing you do…
‘My grandma overheard two women talking in a doctor’s surgery. After a while, one said to the other, “Do you know, Mary, I don’t feel too well. I think I’ll go home.”‘ – Robyn Jankel
‘I don’t think anyone should write his autobiography until after he’s dead.’ – Samuel Goldwyn
‘Winston Churchill? Wasn’t he the first black President of America? There’s a statue of him near me – that’s black.’ – Danielle Lloyd