When father-of-two Sam loses his job, he reluctantly agrees to stay at home while his wife returns to work. Secretly thinking this whole parenthood thing a breeze of leisurely jaunts to the park, reading the paper while the children play quietly and occasionally attending a civilised play date or two, Sam quickly realises just what exactly it means to be a stay-at-home parent.
Inevitably, domestic mayhem ensues. Just trying to get dressed in the morning and out of the house without going to A&E is a feat, as is managing the children’s complicated play-date schedule while fending off the unwelcome advances of Jodhpur Mum at the playground. And Sam’s foolproof 72-step Childcare Programme doesn’t seem remotely up to the task.
Desperate to get his life back on track, Sam seizes upon a variety of mad schemes, but just as things look like they’re beginning to fall into place, he makes a very surprising discovery …