Date Night


Returning early from a disastrous date night with my husband, I know something is wrong the moment the wheels crunch the gravel drive of our home. Inside, the TV is on and a half-eaten meal waits on the table. My heart stops when I find our little girl is alone in the house and our babysitter, Sasha, is missing…


Days later, when I’m arrested for Sasha’s murder and torn away from my perfect little family, I’ll wish I had told someone about the threatening note I received that morning.


I’ll hate myself for not finding out who the gift hidden inside my husband’s wardrobe was for.


I’ll scream from the rooftops that I’m innocent – but no one will listen.


I will realise I was completely wrong about everything that happened that night…


But will you believe me?


Twisted and absolutely unputdownable, Date Night exposes what goes on behind the closed doors of a happy home and the dangerous truths we ignore to protect the ones we love. Perfect reading for anyone totally gripped by The Wife Between Us, Friend Request or Gone Girl.


Readers adore Date Night!

Wow!I stayed up all night to finish this book. I’m all sorts of wound upphenomenal!… easily one of my favourite books of the year. My jaw is hanging on the floor… I could not put down this book… I’m blown awayI’m going to need a couple days to fully process it.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars


Wow, wow, wow! An ending I did NOT see comingPHENOMENAL… a fast moving read with an unforgettable ending. FANTASTIC!!’ Netgalley reviewer, 5 stars


Wow, this book immediately drew me in and kept me concocting reasons to ignore chores so that I could race back to it… it had me glued to it. I’d even find myself waking up and reading a chapter in the nightAbsolutely a winner for me!Pick a Good Book, 5 stars


Wow, what a jaw-dropping, can’t-put-down, wonderful book this was… such an amazing book with a shocking ending a rollercoaster of emotions. I jus






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