Class Acts



The Wish Collector by Oladipo Agbolauje
A magical epic whirling from a playground in Britain to a village in Sierra Leone

The Acme Thunderer by Lin Coghlan
A funny, moving family drama of pigeons and siblings, set amid the Blitz.

Of the Terrifying Events on the Hamelin Estate by Philip Osment
A high-spirited contemporary satire bringing the Pied Piper legend up-to-date.

Three 30 minute plays by leading playwrights for children to act, commissioned by the Unicorn, one of the world’s foremost companies creating theatre with young people. Premiered as end of year performances by primary classes, the scripts are ideal school productions or for younger youth theatre groups. They are designed to be directed by teachers or youth leaders with no previous drama training. The book includes advice and ideas to support preparation, rehearsal and production.