An introduction to classical biostatistical methods in epidemiology
Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology provides an introduction to a wide range of methods used to analyze epidemiologic data, with a focus on nonregression techniques. The text includes an extensive discussion of measurement issues in epidemiology, especially confounding. Maximum likelihood, Mantel-Haenszel, and weighted least squares methods are presented for the analysis of closed cohort and case-control data. Kaplan-Meier and Poisson methods are described for the analysis of censored survival data. A justification for using odds ratio methods in case-control studies is provided. Standardization of rates is discussed and the construction of ordinary, multiple decrement and cause-deleted life tables is outlined. Sample size formulas are given for a range of epidemiologic study designs. The text ends with a brief overview of logistic and Cox regression. Other highlights include:
- Many worked examples based on actual data
- Discussion of exact methods
- Recommendations for preferred methods
- Extensive appendices and references
Biostatistical Methods in Epidemiology provides an excellent introduction to the subject for students, while also serving as a comprehensive reference for epidemiologists and other health professionals.
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