Ever wondered how best to win round a stubborn colleague, or why it is you can never settle for just one partner? Babs Kirby’s 21st Century Star Signs will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about you, your lover, father, daughter , boss and even today’s A-list celebrities, in this, the most modern, in-depth astrological portrait for the 21st century.
Taking up where the massive bestseller Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs left off, Babs takes a completely contemporary, zeitgeisty approach that’s compassionate, intelligent and, above all, revealing.21st Century Star Signs reflects and embraces today’s sensibilities and values looking at the way we function in sexual relationships – whether they’re heterosexual, metrosexual, gay (or otherwise-), in work – with all it’s ever-changing technologies and opportunities and in our homelife in which single parents, serial monogomists and stay-at-home fathers are now the norm.
A chapter is dedicated to each sign, giving an in-depth portrait which will reveal every aspect of the sign including both positive and negative aspects, bringing hidden motivations, sexual proclivities and characteristics to the fore and showing how different signs will thrive under certain circumstance, how to nurture one’s positive influences and how best to recognise, relate to and deal with other signs -with all their strengths and weaknesses.