Based on a series of highly popular articles written for Classic Boat
magazine, this witty collection dwells on the scrapes people get
themselves into when building and sailing boats of all descriptions.
Most sailors will find something to relate to in the escapades and faux
pas detailed here, and the stories will undoubtedly bring a wry smile
to any boater’s lips. John Quirk’s terrifically witty cartoons help
bring these anecdotes to life.
Some quotes from the book:
Her jeans fitted like the fuzz on a peach.
With the horror of watching a hedgehog run amok in a condom factory.
With the ship sinking beneath us, the owner frantically fumbled through the warranty.
We hit the dining room with the etiquette of escaped lab rats.
‘Quirky is the sea-going version of Bill Bryson and Jeremy Clarkson – and he draws better!’ – Dan Houston, Editor of Classic Boat