Bala dreams of making Tamil films and directing his favourite actor Rajnikanth – a dream that leads him naturally to study engineering in college. This earns him his father’s approval and the opportunity to export himself to America. As Director of Design at Flexit Inc., thinking up new ways to help Americans shed the excess weight around their middles and in their wallets, he is at least some kind of director.
Bala loves America, and America it seems loves him even more. He has everything he needs to be happy: a green card, a satellite dish to watch cricket and a companion to share his home – albeit one with a very limited vocabulary. But he is now less than a year away from the big 30, and if he doesn’t act fast he might have to settle for whichever bride his Amma chooses. So begins Bala’s quest for romance as he meets both American and Indian women. Some who are too old, others too young, and yet others just too stuck up.
Will he ever find someone just right for him – and good enough to inherit his mother’s Corelle dishes?