The Cancer Revolution


Founder and Medical Director of the Center for New Medicine and the Cancer Center for Healing Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy offers her groundbreaking integrative approach to treating and preventing cancer, now fully revised and updated.

 When it comes to cancer, conventional doctors are trained to treat their patients exclusively with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. These methods are grueling on the whole body‑‑and they don't treat beyond the tumor or the cancer itself. The focus is on the disease, not the whole person‑‑and because of this, the outcomes in conventional medicine can be bleak.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy has developed a whole‑person approach to treating cancer‑‑and these treatments have helped thousands of patients through her Cancer Center for Healing. In The Cancer Revolution, Dr. Connealy shows you how to get to the root causes of cancer and the practical steps you can take to get back on the path to healing.

Chemotherapy and radiation have their place in treatment, but in many cases, they are simply not enough, because cancer isn't caused by one thing, but by many different factors. All of these causes must be addressed, not just the tumor. The Cancer Revolution will equip you to make impactful, achievable lifestyle choices that fight the root of the disease, and that offer hope for recovery and a cancer‑free life. Now fully revised and updated with the latest research and treatment protocols.






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