Latin Momentum Tests for GCSE


This collection of 15 tests is modelled on those used in GCSE examinations. The first few are at the standard of Foundation Tier and provide appropriate practice for Foundation Tier candidates as well as an easier introduction to the harder tests for Higher Tier candidates. The remaining tests are designed for Higher Tier candidates. All the tests contain a range of grammatical and syntactical features appropriate for GCSE and assume a basic knowledge of about 500 words of vocabulary; other words and proper names are glossed. Each test consists of three sections: a passage of about 60 words, tested by simple comprehension questions; a passage of about 100 words, for translation; and a passage of about 90 words, tested by more demanding questions. A gradient of difficulty is maintained throughout the Latin. Each test also has two mark schemes, suitable for use by the teacher or by the student for self-assessment.