Through tales of adultery and addiction, desire and its loss, good sex, bad sex and no sex, sexual power struggles, and childhood abuse this book covers the big questions about sex:
· What is the nature of passion and desire
· How can we remain faithful in a long-term relationship
· What happens to sex when you have a baby
· How anxiety and shame are the enemies of pleasure
· How anger, blame and guilt put us off sex
· How childhood messages turn us towards diverse behaviours and fantasies
· How changing gender roles are playing out in the bedroom
· How our sexuality develops throughout our lives
· How to address sexual difficulties and find healing with sex therapy exercises
Whether we are sexually active or not, our sexuality is a vital part of our being. The variety and complexity of sex and sexuality are richly illustrated in these unique and compelling stories. Illuminated by psychological insights, they can bring informed awareness and healing to the reader.