How to help your kid navigate the college admissions process — from scheduling standardized tests to writing essays — month by month, girlfriend’s-guide style.
Thankfully, Jill Margaret Shulman, a college admissions coach, application evaluator, college writing instructor, essayist, author, and empathetic parent, is here to be your fiercest ally. She’ll guide you through the entire crazy ritual that college admissions has become, month by month, breath by deep, cleansing breath, until you drop your kid off at college where she will ignore your phone calls and texts.
Come as you are — whether chill or roiling with anxiety — and Shulman, along with a platoon of experts and fellow parents, will help you maintain your strength and sense of self-worth, so easily lost somewhere between your teenager’s screaming, “I hate you! You’re ruining my life!” and typing your credit card number into the College Board’s website for the twentieth time.
You’ve got college admissions cracked, and now, this book has got your back.