This e-dictionary contains more than 10 000 headwords from Afrikaans and English. The following information is provided for each headword: syllabification, primary stress and inflected forms such as plurals, past tense forms and degree of comparison, derivatives, an apt translation, and full sentences, which illustrate the use of the word. The headword list was compiled on the basis of frequency of the core vocabulary in school textbooks and reflects the language learners are daily confronted with.
DiƩ e-woordeboek bevat meer as 10 000 trefwoorde uit Afrikaans en Engels. Inskrywings bied inligting soos woordafbreking, meervoude, verledetydsvorme en trappe van vergelyking, vertalings, voorbeeldsinne en afleidings. Die trefwoordlys is saamgestel op grond van die kernwoordeskat in leerders se handboeke en weerspieƫl die woordeskat waarmee leerders elke dag gekonfronteer word.