In 1973, a young South African named Robert Fridjhon stole a yacht in Hawaii and set out to cross the Pacific solo during hurricane season. He had become involved with Russian gangsters in Los Angeles and witnessed a crime, putting his life in danger and forcing him to flee.
In Caterpillar Seas, Fridjhon tells his dramatic story for the first time. He describes the perils that he faced at sea: caught in violent storms, trapped in the doldrums with dwindling supplies, losing his mainmast and running aground on a reef, as well as contracting scurvy and fever. He recalls the months of solitude and despair, and describes his encounters with remote Pacific islanders and his return to civilisation in Fiji, where the consequences of his crime would catch up with him.
Compelling, entertaining and written with the insight of an experienced sailor, Caterpillar Seas is an astonishing tale of adventure, endurance and courage.
Authors | |
Language | |
Copyright | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9781770221857 |
Number Of Pages | 288 |
File Size | 0.80 mb |
Format | EPUB |
Published | 26-08-2011 |